Thursday, June 2, 2016

What TobiasFangor Saw

What TobiasFangor Saw

Written by Vergere

Magic is the way of life in Sornieth. The more power and knowledge you have of it, the deadlier you are as an opponent. For knowing magic, true magic, is knowing the world itself. It's knowing the very fabric of reality.

Every deity has strengths and weaknesses that can be harnessed by any dragon. It takes a lot of skill and training, as well as being sound of mind, to do it but it can be done. The Yun-Harla prove this in their very existence.

I have taught Gabar and TobiasFangor the lessons I have learned over my life. I have given my gifts to Seitou and the Shadowbinder.

But what I have stated before is only true on the continent that we call home. Off of the continent is a much different rules apply.

I cannot tell Tobias' full story as some of those facts will only be known to the Yun-Harla. There are strange powers out there that would be too tempting for most dragons and would lead them to become twisted versions of themselves.

The important thing I can talk about is the Shade's most loyal follower. A normal Fae that has been seduced by the Shade and now serves it. I admit it would be interesting to talk to her as she would have great insight into the being's mind.

Talking to the Shade itself is a dangerous task. While the entity is not pure evil, it can still make creatures lose control of themselves. To become more twisted versions of themselves. It's a reason I would not talk to the Shade unless I had to.

The Shadoe's follower's name is Naomi. She waits off of the continent for her master to finally be able to overtake the land now ruled by the deities. She is a dangerous opponent and her looks should not deceive you into thinking she isn't powerful. For she is one of the most powerful dragons according to Tobias.

Of course you should not aim to go off the continent. In the Shade's territory there is terror without hope, deception without honesty, and damnation without forgiveness. It is a land of madness according to Tobias and, if you get him in the right mood, he may even tell you details that are classified.

Or you could talk to Scourge who grew up there.


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