Friday, March 24, 2017

Not My Kind of Dragon

Not My Kind of Dragon

Written by RachelBerenson

I am a Warrior in my clan. I am both fierce and deadly. I am so fierce in battle that those who know me call me a berserker. For me fighting is one of the most important things in life. This has made it more than easy for my friends to find courage in me. They see me as a weapon without fear.

That isn't true, though, not at all.

I have all the emotions dragons have, but I'm just good at seeming brave. Sometimes I do get scared and I do want to run. The thing is...I always stay and fight because that's what I do.

When I'm not fighting I spend time on fashion. When someone new enters the clan, whether temporarily or permanently, they are confused to see me putting lots of effort into my latest outfit. They are used to hearing the stories about me and don't seem to realize that I can actually feel.

TobiasFangor is everything that I am not. Vergere accepted him into the Yun-Harla which is the most prestigious Department one in the clan can be in. A Yun-Harla has some of the strongest magical abilities the clan has ever seen. So myself and others wondered what made Tobias good enough for the Coatl to show interest.

Tobias is a Wildclaw that is not like others of his breed. He is not willing to put up a big fight. While Birchurawkp doesn't like to fight, it at least contributes in other ways to the clan.

At least those were my feelings about Tobias before he returned from his infamous mission. I don't know what happened during it and he won't tell me. The information is classified as it's ruled a Yun-Harla Department secret.

This is only done when there is extremely sensitive material. Every Department has its share of secrets. No one needs to know everything as some knowledge is extremely dangerous. So no Yun-Harla can tell me what happened to Tobias. He was supposed to go on a simple mission but I guess that wasn't the case.

I don't know why I care so much. Maybe it's that the old Tobias is gone from his eyes and I miss that.

Why do I miss that?


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